How is Video Used in Industrial Marketing?

Industrial video production plays a key role in industrial marketing. While white papers, email marketing campaigns, eBooks, blogs, and other types of content can help industrial and manufacturing companies generate leads, video marketing offers one of the best ways to connect with new audiences, generate revenue, and establish long-lasting relationships with customers.

To enhance your marketing efforts and generate better ROI, it’s important to understand how to effectively integrate video into your marketing campaigns. By creating and distributing high-quality marketing videos, you can grow your online presence and audience quickly.

Here’s everything you need to know about how video is used in industrial marketing.

Why Video Marketing Matters

No modern marketing campaign is complete without video. Video marketing is an effective tool for B2B and B2C marketing. No matter what your goals are, there is a type of marketing video that can help you achieve them.

Explainer videos, for example, are great for communicating new ideas, products, and services to existing and potential customers, while branded videos are a great way to build brand awareness and encourage brand loyalty.

There are several reasons industrial and manufacturing businesses should be using video marketing to their advantage:

●     Videos are easier to share than blogs and other text-based content

●     Videos help build your social media presence

●     Videos are effective at increasing sales revenue

●     Consumers often prefer to see video content over other types of marketing content

●     Videos help companies make personal and lasting connections with clients and customers

●     Industrial businesses depend on video to differentiate themselves from their competitors

Video marketing has become a key aspect of digital marketing due to its consistent and measurable results.

Studies have found that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from the brands they support, and 87% of marketers say that video marketing gives them a positive ROI.

Consumers typically find videos more engaging than text-based content like blogs and newsletters. Compared to text-based content, marketing videos are able to effectively convey a message and retain the audience’s attention.

How to Use Video for Industrial Marketing

There are many ways you can use videos in your industrial marketing campaign. From the beginning to the end of the sales funnel, you can use different types of marketing videos to turn viewers into customers.

Here are some of the most common ways industrial and manufacturing businesses use video marketing to grow their audience and increase sales.

Product demonstration videos

Product demonstration videos help increase sales by demonstrating how your products work, what problems they solve, and how they are better than the products offered by your competitors. These videos help viewers make more informed and confident purchasing decisions.

Product demonstration videos should focus solely on highlighting how your products work and what their features and benefits are. High-quality product demonstration videos help build brand trust and encourage long-term customer loyalty.

Make sure to show your product from all angles, compare it to real-world items for size comparison, and demonstrate how to assemble and use the product.

Explainer videos

Explainer videos are very versatile marketing tools that can be used to explain new concepts, services, or products that your company provides. These videos should feature an engaging story that the viewer can relate to.

Explainer videos empower customers by providing useful information regarding your products and services. Through engaging explainer videos, customers can make more knowledgeable purchasing decisions.

Thought leadership videos

Thought leadership videos are educational videos that cover a specific topic or concept related to your business and industry. These videos are typically used for B2B marketing and serve to establish your business as an authority on a certain topic.

Company history videos

Company history, or ‘about us,’ videos help companies communicate their company values, traditions, beliefs, and history to viewers.

These videos are typically used to acquire new customers and generate leads as they help companies establish consumer trust and make personal connections with viewers.

These videos can be placed on your website’s ‘About Us’ page or homepage to give new visitors an introduction to your company. These videos should not include sales pitches or product placements. They should focus on helping new customers get to know you and your business.

Testimonial videos

Customer testimonial videos are very effective at helping industrial and manufacturing businesses generate more conversions.

Testimonial videos should feature real customers and clients discussing how they have enjoyed working with your business and how your products or services have given them value. These videos show potential customers that your existing clients trust you to provide quality service consistently.

Working With Digital Spark Studios

Video marketing is an essential aspect of modern digital marketing and can help industrial businesses grow their audience, acquire leads, and generate conversions.

At Digital Spark Studios, we work with industrial and manufacturing businesses to help them create high-quality marketing videos that generate results. We’ll work with you from start to finish to produce videos that reflect your brand and help you achieve your long-term goals.

Contact Us today to learn more about our professional industrial video production services.


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