Lead Generation Using Video

If you are trying to grow your business, chances are you’ve been told you need to ensure you have a “full pipeline” of prospects. You know… that constant flow of new and exciting potential customers who are eager to throw their money at you because you have exactly what they want, and they just can't wait to get their hands on it.

Sounds great right? Well, the fact of the matter is, you aren’t alone. Every business wishes they had more demand for their product or service, more people scrambling for their goods, but most of the time that’s just not the case.

A full pipeline is a great way to start moving in the right direction, but how do we actually get there? There are so many claims out there that say they have the “secret sauce”, but the one ingredient to increase your number of prospects and close more deals isn’t all that simple. It’s a whole lot of small tweaks that make a huge impact. You can't turn a ship with just one guy and one ore, but if Captain Jack whips all the shipmates into shape, the Black Pearl will turn like a fidget spinner (whatever happened to those, btw?)

Now that we have determined that there is no one quick-fix solution to increase leads and sales, we can start to talk about implementing things that you may not be doing already that will dramatically influence how you are looked at by your target audience.

Drum roll please…that’s right, video.

Video Marketing is the best way to communicate with people outside of having a face to face conversation. “Why?” you ask. Exactly, WHY?

“Why” is going to make you and your company stand out from the other guys that are ALSO claiming to have the best product/service in the marketplace. Your “why” is so valuable that it should be front and center on your website and branding. Your “why” carries far more weight to it that the 0.142% advantage your product has over the other guys. A promotional video on your website that talks to your “why” is a great starting point for building a relationship with your audience.

Hear me out of a quick second.

Take Company A, for example, Company A claims to have the best hot sauce in North America, their “About Page” says that they source only US grown organic peppers, they’ve won awards for having the hottest hot sauce in the United States and their mascot is Toby, the most adorable Golden Retriever you’ve ever set your eyes on. Company A is a good company that makes a great product.

Now take Company B, Company B also has a great product. Their peppers are also sourced from the US, they haven’t won any awards for their hot sauce, but their customers love their product and are vocal about it. On Company B’s homepage, they have a 45-second promotional video talking about how Company B’s recipe has been in the family for generations and their hot sauce has been slightly tweaked and perfected for over 150 years. They talk about their great grandfather and how he used to walk around selling tasters to people in his area for 2 cents per 125 oz and how “back then it was called cayenne sauce”. The video speaks to how they are still using the base of that same recipe today and that their great grandfather's face still lives on the front of the bottle.

You see, while Company A has seemingly done everything right and may have a superior product, I for one am far more inclined to buy from Company B as they have me emotionally invested into their story. Not only am I buying a good product, but I’m also supporting a legacy and they have me hooked! Most importantly, I am no longer buying a product from a company but I am buying from a person. There is now a face and a personality linked to the transaction.

Of course, this is just one example of how video can develop an emotional relationship, we haven’t even scratched the surface when it comes to video testimonials, product overviews, product commercials and so on, and so on.

For more information visit our site at www.digitalsparkstudios.com

Or contact us at contact@digitalsparkstudios.com


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