Why Team Headshots & Bios Are So Important

Why Team Headshots & Bios Are So Important The about page...a page on your website that is often overlooked. We are here to say that “About Me” is making a comeback and we are here for it! Several different companies are getting clever with their “About Page”, not only in the copy on the page but with their imagery and video. Now, when companies are looking to hire, they often look at the about page to see who they would be working with and often make decisions based on what is mentioned in the bio.

Often when companies search your business, they come across your landing page. If they are here to stay for a while the next page, they are heading to is your “About Page.” Having an “About Page” or company bio gives businesses and brands the ability and opportunity to share their expertise and their credentials. Often a CEO, VP or Director will show off their credentials in the about page that help potential clients get to know them and see if they are legitimate and know what they are doing. The about page is essentially a LinkedIn on your website.

Your “About Us” page should answer the following questions:

Who are we?

• A brief overview of who you are as a company. What makes you and your people unique in the marketplace?

Why we do what we do?

• Your “why” arguably the most important part of your about page persona. Your why is what makes you…you. Let’s face it, there are a lot of other companies that offer the same or similar products to you. They all claim to have great customer service and better pricing. Your “why” is the key differentiator. If you can answer this question with confidence, you are already 1 step ahead of the pack.

Why should you choose us over someone else?

• What are your key value propositions? Here is where you can talk about fine tolerances, cheaper cost per part, better quality, cutest little doggy mascot, etc.

What do we do?

• Imagine someone stumbles across your site not knowing what you do. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t make it clear from the start what it is you offer. For us, we talk about the video-making process, the video production services we offer and our production team. Make the text bold, make it big, put it in the webpage banner! Think of it as spoon-feeding a baby. Make it easy for anyone that comes to your site to understand within seconds exactly what your company does. When did we start?

When did we start?

• If your company is rich in experience and history, let it be known. This can foster trust and will give an element of reliability to your company and brand. If you’re the new kid on the block, don’t worry. Tailor your message to that. You’re fresh, you’re current, you’re trendy. Don’t hide from who you are or where you came from.

How do we do it?

• Sometimes pulling the curtain back to reveal the process of what you do can make a new customer feel at ease. I’m not telling you to give away any of your secret sauces, but educating your customers on all of the work that goes into your process is not only going to add a level of trust and expertise, it also going to make your customers feel more comfortable with you and therefore, more willing to spend $$$.

Who doesn’t want to have a photoshoot?! Your team is the most important part of your company or brand. They are the faces of what makes your business successful. Why not want to show them off?! We want to get down to the nitty-gritty and see who the web developer, marketing manager, social media guru, and company dog are! Often, we see creative brands especially have fun with their team headshots!

Some of our favorite national and local to Charlotte, North Carolina are:

Tattoo Project

Demo Duck

Toy Fight

Bruton Stroube

The digital marketing world is trending, and brands are trying to trend with it. Brands are working harder to have company overview videos made. This will include client testimonials, conversations with the staff and leadership. Video production is at an all-time high and all of this will come in the “About Page” package! Ultimately, having an “About Page” will assist your company in being more approachable and gives you and your team an opportunity to further communicate your brand and culture. To give you an idea of what exactly we have been talking about this whole-time checkout Digital Spark Studios “Meet Us”!


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