Hire Your Perfect Employee in 2020

If you could hire the perfect employee, what would they look like and what would they do? They would probably sing your praises, talk highly of what your company offers and give people an insight into why you do what you do. They would work evenings and weekends (of course), and they would never ask for a pay raise šŸ˜Š.

If you havenā€™t picked up already, Iā€™m talking about video marketing. More specifically homepage videos. Videos that allow your target audience to get to know the people and the reasons behind the company/product or service they are about to make a purchase from. This is such a simple concept that has been overshadowed in the world of social media. The value of a homepage video is so great and yet SO many companies feel like it's ok to replace that with 1500 words and a couple of images they found on Google images.

 As a consumer, my first course of action when I come across a new company that offers a product that I might like is to scan their website looking for a video that shows the product in action. I want to see people using it or talking highly of it.

 If itā€™s a company that offers a service, I am looking for a video that shows the people behind the services. Can I relate to these people, why did they start offering this service and what keeps them going? If I can relate to these people, then guess what? Price is no longer my biggest concern. The chances are, I am going to buy from them since they connected with me emotionally.

 You see, if you donā€™t give people something they can relate to then price is all they have to draw a comparison to and from there, itā€™s a race to the bottom and a sure-fire way to lose business.

 Weā€™ve all heard the age-old say, ā€œPeople donā€™t buy from businesses, people buy fromā€ all together now, ā€œPEOPLE.ā€

The fact of the matter is you are doing yourself and your business a disservice if you donā€™t have a video explaining who you are and why you do what you do on the homepage of your website and pinned to the top of your social channels. We are still in a time where most of your competitors arenā€™t taking advantage of the benefits of video. This means the opportunities are for you to stake your claim on the marketplace and lock in new customers are abundant. 

 Now ask yourself, does the company I work for have a video on their homepage? Does that video speak to the core values of why you do what you do? Does it accurately reflect your brand? If you were a potential customer, would this video make you feel more comfortable and increase your chances of filling out a contact form or picking up the phone?

 If you answered ā€œno, not reallyā€ to any of the questions above, itā€™s time to act. Video production is an investment that keeps on giving. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Once you start looking at video production as an employee, rather than a video, you will see things differently.


Strategies for Posting to Social Media