A smoothie is like jazz.
Jazz is an art form that has no rules. No guidelines. Jazz is an art form that relies on instinct, taste, and preference. There is no set of ingredients that will provide an identical outcome to the last performance.
A smoothie is like jazz.
No matter who you are, no matter your taste or preference, you can find a smoothie that you can love. It’s simple, grab a bunch of ingredients that you like independently, throw them in a blender and see what happens. Too sweet? Add more citrus. Too sharp? Add more sweetener. It’s a constant back and forth between creating something new and homing in on something you love, and then, even when you think you’ve figured everything things out, an under ripened banana can change the entire taste and consistency.
Scroll down to see some behind the scenes of the Ninja project.
Small but powerful.
Since this is a spec piece, we knew that our resources were going to be scarce and that we would have to get creative with the way in which we attacked the execution of our vision. So, we set out of pulling together an in-depth previz using stills of what we expected each frame to look like and used that as a storyboard for the final piece.
This guide enabled us to make the most of our small crew and create imagery that would normally call for a much larger crew behind the scenes to pull off.

Previz is where a lot of time is saved. Director Adam Sewell used previz to communicate the shots he was looking for and to map out the entire commercial before ever touching a camera. This previz was then communicated with the crew before the shoot enabling everyone to be on the same page way before production.
Check out some side-by-sides below to see how things changed and what remained the same.
Mapping it out.

Testing the waters… or the milk.
One thing that we did throughout this piece was to step back from certain shots and find out ways to improve them. Find a way in which we could take the production quality to the next level and immerse the viewer in the commercial.
Creating little rigs allowed us to give a different perspective to what you would expect from a shot and produce a more dynamic result.